10 Fun Fall Activities You Can Do With Your Cat

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Fall is a special season best spent with good pals.

Fall is my favorite season. It’s not too hot for long walks, and the ground isn’t covered in snow yet—usually.

Fall is a time of harvest, reflection, and gathering for a long winter ahead. It has become synonymous with cozy blankets, spicy drinks, fiery-colored leaves, and thankfulness.

You can make this fall season memorable by giving your cat extra snuggles and trying something new with your fuzzy pal.

Here are 10 ideas for fun fall activities you and your cat can share.

1. Take your cat to a pumpkin patch.

Do you love visiting pumpkin patches and selecting your favorite pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns and decorations? Chances are, your adventurecat will also have a great time checking out the misshapen and fantastic pumpkins you find there! Just make sure the pumpkin patch you select allows pets in the patch—call ahead to find out.

2. Jump in leaf piles together.

What screams fall more than jumping in a leaf pile? Don’t bag up those leaves you just raked right away. Jump in them and invite your cat to join you—cats can have a lot of fun with crunchy fall leaves. Watch how your cat reacts to the prey-like movements of a leaf dancing in the wind, and you’ll both have fun.

3. Go hiking.

Fall is an excellent time of year for hiking. Summer hikes are always cut short when Wessie gets too hot and tired to walk, and heads under a bush to cool down. The cooler temperatures are purrfect for hiking, and we get to take in the gorgeous colorful scenery!

4. Collect leaves together.

Maybe your cat won’t pick up their favorite leaves and hand them to you, but if you follow your cat’s lead and check out what they’re sniffing, you’re sure to find some cool specimens. You can preserve these leaves between the pages of a book to flatten them and to remember how much fun you had with your cat later!

5. Go for a drive.

Does your cat love car rides? Go for a long drive and see how many different autumn colors you can spot. Discover someplace new and drive somewhere you’ve never been before—just make sure you have your GPS on and don’t get lost!

6. Bake a pumpkin pie.

And give some canned pumpkin to your cat, while you’re at it. Unsweetened, unseasoned canned pumpkin puree is full of fiber and can help balance your cat’s digestive system. If your cat is constipated or has diarrhea, plain pumpkin may help.

7. Watch a scary movie together.

Select a scary movie, prep a bowl of popcorn and maybe some freeze-dried cat treats, and make up a snuggly blanket pile on the sofa. Just hope your cat won’t be as scared as you are, else you might be left alone without any emotional support.

8. Collect pinecones!

Go out into the woods with your cat and see how many pinecones you can find. You can take the cones home and put them in a bowl as a fall decoration, or toss them on the ground for your cat to bat around as part of a play session with you. WARNING: Don’t allow your cat to play with pinecones unsupervised—your cat may choke on the cone if they try to eat it. Certain types of pine are also mildly toxic, although the triggering substances are mainly found in the sap and needles.

9. Build a bonfire.

It’s a good idea to make sure your cat is comfortable and cautious around fires before you and your cat hang out around a bonfire singing songs together. If they are, sitting around a bonfire enjoying the crisp fall air and autumn vibes is a lot of fun.

10. Attend a fall festival together.

Is your cat a socialite who loves the attention of a crowd? It shouldn’t be too hard to find some sort of fall or harvest festival in your area—the purrfect place to load up on hot apple cider, harvest veggies, and get into the fall mood. If you’re lucky, you might even be able to go on a hayride together!

What’s your favorite fall activity?

We would love to hear how you and your cats take advantage of fall! What’s your favorite thing to do with your cat when the sweaters and rakes come out?

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