Spirit Animal Hemp Oil for Cats Review

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Spirit Animal Hemp Oil Extract



9.0 /10


8.0 /10


5.0 /10


9.0 /10


  • Organic and GMO-free
  • Cat-appropriate salmon oil option
  • Made in the USA
  • Specially formulated blend of 9 terpenes


  • Expensive
  • Not every cat will like the flavor
  • Hard to administer to fussy cats

Spirit Animal Remedies Hemp Oil Extract: We Tried Hemp Oil for Cats.

I had mixed feelings when Spirit Animal Remedies asked if we were interested in reviewing their hemp oil extract for cats and dogs. We were curious, so we agreed to the collaboration, but even after the bottles arrived, I wasn’t sure about giving the hemp oil to our cats. Here’s why.

My previous (utterly uneventful) experiences using hemp salve, lip balm, and a transdermal patch on myself and family members had left me with doubts about the efficacy of hemp products. Based on my firsthand experience, I suspected that the oil wouldn’t do anything. At the same time, I wasn’t sure the possible benefits of hemp were even worth it. Our cats are in good health and I didn’t feel the need to fix something that wasn’t broken.

At the same time, all of our research has suggested that hemp and its constituent compounds have the ability to enhance the body’s natural performance, increasing the body’s ability to generate a state of homeostasis. I know some people give it to their healthy cats as a daily supplement.

As you’ll see for yourself if you read our article, CBD for Cats, all signs suggest that hemp is a promising natural treatment for cats.

According to proponents of hemp oil for cats, hemp can help with:

  • Pain
  • Anxiety
  • Cancer
  • Nausea
  • Inflammatory diseases
  • Arthritis

In an attempt to put my mind at ease before diving into the reviewing process, I got on the phone with James from Spirit Animal Remedies. For the next hour, we talked about the benefits of hemp oil, what makes Spirit Animal hemp unique, how James gives it to his own cat and how it affects her, and more. By the end of our call, I felt Spirit Animal Remedies was a company whose products I could trust to use on my cats.

We decided that we would go ahead and try out their products for a review. Before we jump into the review, let’s learn a little bit more about Spirit Animal Remedies hemp oil extract. 

If you want to skip straight to our review of Spirit Animal hemp oil for cats, click here.

What is in Spirit Animal Remedies Hemp Oil?

Spirit Animal Remedies hemp oil for cats is 100% organic and doesn’t contain any GMOs.

The serving size is 0.5 ml (half a dropper) for most cats or pets 1-25 pounds. Each serving contains:

  • 5mg organic whole spectrum hemp oil co2 extract (aerial parts, 99% pure)
  • 1mg organic proprietary terpene blend 
  • 0.5mg organic MCT oil (coconut) 
Spirit Animal Hemp Oil for Cats Review Dropper
Each serving of Spirit Animal hemp oil contains whole spectrum hemp oil extract, a proprietary blend of terpenes, and an MCT base oil.

The organic hemp used in Spirit Animal Remedies Hemp Oil comes straight from Oregon farms.

Spirit Animal Remedies uses a CO2 extraction method, which is considered the safest and most pure way to extract oil from hemp plants. 

CO2 extraction may be the most effective extraction method, but it’s also the most expensive. Keep this in mind when you compare the prices of CO2 extracted hemp products like Spirit Animal Remedies hemp oil and hemp products which use less-expensive (and less effective) extraction methods.

In case you’re not familiar with hemp, it’s a type of cannabis that’s virtually free of THC, meaning that it has no psychoactive effect. Hemp is used for many purposes ranging from industrial to pharmaceutical. Spirit Animal hemp oil is made from whole-plant pharmaceutical-grade hemp. As a whole plant product, it emphasizes the synergistic effects of every component of the hemp plant.

Spirit Animal Hemp Oil For Cats Compounds in Hemp - Cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids
Hemp is more than a source of cannabinoids. It is a complex plant and every molecule plays a part.

Terpenes are the secret sauce of Spirit Animal Remedies hemp oil for cats.

Terpenes are hydrocarbons found in the oils secreted by plants and occur naturally in hemp plants. These usually strong-smelling hydrocarbons benefit plants in a number of ways. They can help deter interested herbivores and keep the plants safe.

Because they are thought to have a number of benefits for humans and animals, terpenes lie at the heart of essential oil therapy.

WARNING: Many essential oils are harmful to cats as their livers cannot properly process them. Do not give your cat essential oils without doing the proper research or consulting with a veterinarian.

While Spirit Animal Remedies doesn’t provide a detailed analysis of how much of each terpene is included in their hemp oil, they do name the 9 different terpenes that are in the proprietary blend.

  1. Pinene has antibacterial properties and is a bronchodilator (it can make it easier for your cat to breathe). 
  2. Myrcene is a sleep aid and muscle relaxant.
  3. Limonene can help reduce anxiety.
  4. Terpinolene is a pain reducer, digestive aid, and stomachic (it promotes appetite or assists digestion).
  5. Linalool has anti-epileptic properties and can calm anxiety.
  6. Terpineol is a calming aid.
  7. Caryophyllene has antioxidant effects. It’s also antibacterial and anti-inflammatory.
  8. Humulene is anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.
  9. Ocimene is a decongestant. It’s also antiseptic, antiviral, and bactericidal.

For more information on the terpenes found in hemp, please click here.

According to Spirit Animal Remedies, their proprietary terpene blend works synergistically with the compounds found in the hemp oil and increases their benefits.

A small amount of MCT oil (derived from coconut) is added as the base oil.

Spirit Animal Remedies uses MCT oil because it’s stable without preservatives and has a neutral flavor. Medium chain triglyceride oils are well-known for the benefits they can confer on humans, but there’s still some gray area in MCT oil’s relationship with the feline system. While MCT oil is considered safe for cats, it’s probably not ideal.

According to this article from Modern Cat, coconut oil can help your cat’s skin and coat, reduce hairballs, aid digestion, and prevent inflammation. Ingrid King, the author of The Conscious Cat, isn’t so sure. She believes that there currently isn’t enough research supporting the use of MCT oils on cats and that cats. King adds that, as obligate carnivores, cats are better off consuming omega-3 fatty acids.

That said, it’s essential that you get your cat’s omega-3 fatty acids from animal sources, as cats cannot convert and metabolize omega-3s from plant sources.

That’s why we love that Spirit Animal Remedies recently came out with a salmon oil based hemp oil extract.

Salmon oil is a species-appropriate source of omega-3s for cats and has a strong fishy odor and flavor that most cats love. Salmon oil contains both EPA and DHA, which are bioavailable omega-3 fatty acids. EPA acts an anti-inflammatory. It can improve joint function and soothe dry, itchy skin. DHA supports brain and eye health.

As a bonus, many cats love the taste of salmon oil, which will likely make it much easier to administer the hemp oil.

How do I give the hemp oil to my cat?

Spirit Animal Remedies recommends two administration methods.

The most effective method is to administer it on the inside of your cat’s cheek.

That means you squirt it directly from the dropper into your cat’s mouth alongside their gums. The active ingredients in the hemp oil will pass directly through your cat’s mucous membrane into their bloodstream and get to work immediately.

Or you can mix the oil into your cat’s food.

This method is definitely a lot easier—have you ever tried squirting something into your cat’s mouth? If you mix the oil into your cat’s food, the results will be delayed and possibly less potent, but your cat will still receive the benefits. The route of administration you choose will be determined by your cat’s health needs and preferences.

Spirit Animal Remedies gives back to pet-related charities and organizations.

Spirit Animal Remedies was founded to make a change in animal health and welfare, and they remain true to that ideal by donating 1% of all of their revenue to charity. At the time of this writing, you can choose at the checkout whether you would like to donate to the Oregon Humane Society or Best Friends Animal Society. When Spirit Animal Remedies reaches their donation goal with one charity, they’ll choose a new organization to donate to. Keep an eye on the website to be sure you know where the donation will go—and if there is a charity that you believe is worthy, let them know! 

Spirit Animal Remedies Hemp Oil for Cats Review: Our Experience

Disclosure: “Wildernesscat received this product for free in exchange for an honest review. Although the product was gratis, all opinions in this review remain my own and I was in no way influenced by the company.”

After we agreed to review their hemp oil for cats, Spirit Animal Remedies promptly shipped it out. Three bottles arrived neatly packed in raffia in a little cardboard box.

We received two small bottles of hemp extract in a salmon oil base along with one ounce of the company’s original hemp oil extract in an MCT oil base.

We started testing the Spirit Animal Remedies hemp extract in late November, right around Thanksgiving. We had recently switched Wessie back to his usual canned food after testing Fegnion raw food, which he loved. He wasn’t very enthused about the return canned food but was still eating regular amounts.

Note: If your cat has a sudden change in eating habits, it’s important to be vigilant and to rule out any health problems. If your cat stops eating, it’s usually a sign that something is wrong. If they stop eating for a day or more, they are at risk of developing feline fatty liver syndrome, so don’t write off inappetence as “being picky”.

One reason some people give their cats hemp oil is to improve appetite, so I figured it would be worth a try. Since she’s younger than Wessie and was her usual self, I decided not to give Forest any of the Spirit Animal Remedies hemp oil.

Before trying anything on our cats, though, I had to verify the product’s safety. I took 1ml of the hemp oil extract in an MCT oil base. Nothing happened the following night or morning.

The next afternoon, it was time for a cautious first feline taste test.

I inched the dropper towards Wessie’s chin, hoping he’d pop out his tongue and make the decision for me. A little bit of the oil touched his lips. He looked offended and scampered across the room. I decided to call it a day and move on with testing after he’d had some time to forget about it. Slow and steady is usually the best route to take when introducing your cat to something new. You never want to force them into eating or doing something they aren’t used to and set them against it.

Administering the hemp oil sublingually or on the inside of your cat’s cheek is the more effective method of serving up the hemp oil, but we needed to start somewhere. Instead of forcing him to do something he was uncomfortable with, I started mixing 0.5 ml of hemp oil once daily into his meals.

What did Wessie think of the taste?

It was easy to mix the oil into his food and it didn’t seem to bother him.

We received both the MCT oil and salmon oil hemp extract blends. Wessie didn’t seem to prefer one over the other and ate both without question. We also tried slowly dropping the salmon oil onto freeze-dried raw food toppers and letting it absorb into the nuggets, then fed them as treats. Again, both hemp-infused treats and meals went over well.

We mix the oil into Wessie’s food, then he chows down.

After he’d become more accustomed to the experience, I used the dropper to apply both the MCT and the salmon directly to his gums. He’s a very laid-back cat who is used to us fooling with his mouth for teeth brushing, so after a few applications, he didn’t express much more than a combination of confusion and vague acceptance. Interestingly, he gave himself a thorough bath after every dose. 

Wessie is done with direct administration and dashes off for a long bath.

Did we notice any change in Wessie’s appetite or vitality?

First I have to point out that we did not do this test scientifically. We didn’t place any controls, and any changes we’ve noticed could be completely unrelated to the hemp oil extract.

But… Yes. In the last two months during which we’ve been giving him the Spirit Animal Remedies hemp oil, he has become friskier than ever before—well, at least since he was a kitten. I know that sounds like the stuff of an advertisement right there. Seriously, though, he has been an active little kitty.

I’ve noticed him fishing objects out from under the bed, playing with a robe sash, and frisking up and down the stairs more often than before. Forest does not want to play chase, thank you very much.

As far as his appetite goes, he has a good appetite… He’s just not really digging the canned food. The hemp oil didn’t change that. I think it just may be time to make up another batch of raw food for him.  

Where can I buy Spirit Animal Remedies Hemp Oil?

If you make your purchase of Spirit Animal Remedies Hemp Oil through our links, Wildernesscat will receive a percentage of the sale. It doesn’t cost any extra but helps us to continue sharing the radical cat parenting message. Thank you for your support!

Spirit Animal Remedies Hemp Oil is currently available on Amazon.com as well as directly from the Spirit Animal Website. A 300mg bottle costs $45.00 with free shipping. 

It’s not cheap, but Spirit Animal Remedies has a coupon code to share exclusively with Wildernesscat readers. Enter the coupon code wildcat when checking out on the Spirit Animal Remedies website, and you’ll get $6.00 off the regular purchase price.

spirit animal remedies coupon code

Click on the photo below to see the price on Amazon:

If you would like more information on cannabis and hemp for cats, please see our other articles on the topic:

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